Please fill in all the fields to proceed with the loan application.
Type of Vessel —Please choose an option—TankerNon-tankerOffshoreCruise
Mobile Number
Email Address
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Birth Date
Permanent Address
Manning Agency
Name of Vessel
Crewing Manager
Departure Date
Monthly Expenses
Person in-charge to pay
Contact Number (person in-charge)
I hereby certify that the above information are true and correct and that JuanClik Lending Corporation reserves the right to reject my application for any incorrect data that I provided. I hereby authorize JuanClik Lending Corporation to check my Bank/Creditors on the status of my deposits/liabilities. I understood that financial insitutions’ share/collect credit information either among themselves or through Credit Information Corporatio as mandated by Republic Act 9510 or other credit bureaus. I interpose no objection to such sharing of credit information and I authorize JuanClik Lending Corporation to disclose the same pertaining to me and my loan account as the JuanClik Lending Corporation sees fit. I hold JuanClik Lending Corporation free and harmless in its participation to this industry practice, which I see as a necessary procedure in creating a healthy balance between reliable credit information and this safeguarding consumer protection that ultimately redounds to my benefit.